Education for a sustainable future

Our objective

Through the curriculum, we aim to cultivate a deep understanding of nature, sustainability, and the causes and effects of climate change, empowering students to translate this knowledge into meaningful action and solutions.

We envision an Eco Council/Parliament comprising pupil representatives from all schools within our Trust, holding both school and Trust leadership accountable for environmental stewardship and progress towards sustainability targets.

Our commitment extends to delivering, embedding, and enhancing activities that foster the knowledge, skills, and attributes necessary for sustainable development among our students.

We prioritise providing professional development opportunities that equip our staff with the expertise and tools to integrate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into their teaching practices effectively.

Through strategic communication efforts, we strive to reinforce knowledge, skills, and attributes aligned with sustainable development, simultaneously spotlighting the impactful work undertaken by our schools and emphasising our Trust’s commitment to sustainability.

Furthermore, we’re dedicated to preparing our young people for future careers that acknowledge and prioritise sustainability and climate change mitigation efforts.

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Curriculum Integration:

  • Increased inclusion of nature, sustainability, and climate change topics within and across the curriculum – evidenced through quality assurance processes.
  • 80% of students, through surveys, perceive they are gaining skills and knowledge to help understanding of sustainable development by 2027.

Establishment of Eco Council/Parliament:

  • Formation of Eco Council/Parliament with full representation from Trust schools.
  • Execution of a minimum of three initiatives annually by the Eco Council/Parliament.

Delivery of Sustainable Development Activities:

  • Rise in sustainability-themed activities within both curriculum, and extracurricular programs – evidenced staff and student voice and through quality assurance processes.
  • 80% of students, through surveys, perceive they are gaining skills and knowledge to help understanding of sustainable development by 2027

Professional Development for Staff:

  • Staff, from every school, engaged in sustainable development-focused CPD.
  • Assessment of staff confidence in integrating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into teaching – evidenced through staff voice.

Strategic Communication Efforts:

  • Increase in communication channels promoting sustainability within the Trust.
  • At least 80% of students and staff perceive our Trust as an environmentally sustainable organisation.
  • Measurement of engagement metrics (e.g., website visits, social media interactions) to gauge the impact of sustainability communications.

Preparation for Sustainable Careers:

  • Establishment of partnerships with sustainability-focused entities.
  • Increase in the percentage of students involved in sustainability-focused further education/apprenticeships, or career exploration activities.

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