Other Contact Details

If you have any concerns regarding Safeguarding any child, you can contact the following Local Authority Multi-Agency teams:

Nottinghamshire County Council

Child and Family Services Notts County Council:
Tel: 01158041248
Email: early.help@nottscc.gov.uk

The Nottinghamshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH):
Tel: 03005008090
Email: mash.safeguarding@nottscc.gov.uk.

Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership:
Email: info.nscp@nottscc.gov.uk
Address: Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, County Hall, West Bridgford Nottingham, NG2 7QP

Hazel McKibbin, Service Manager, Safeguarding Children (Strategic) and LADO:
Tel: 0115 9773921

Eva Callaghan, Schools, FE Colleges and Early Years Referrals (including nurseries and childminders):
Tel: 0115 8041272

Nottingham City Council

Nottingham City Children and Families Direct
Tel: 0115 876 4800
Email: candf.direct@nottinghamcity.gov.uk

LADO (Local Authority Designated officer) Tina Wright:
Tel:0115 8765501
Email: Tina.wright@nottinghamcity.gov.uk

Derbyshire County Council

Child and Family Services Derbyshire:
Tel: 0162953319

Allegations against Staff, Volunteers and Carers:

Lincolnshire County Council

Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) – About the LSCP – Lincolnshire County Council

Lincolnshire Education Safeguarding Officer:  Ruth Fox/Miriam Shucksmith.
TeL: 01522 554695
Email: safeguardinginschools@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Lincolnshire Designated Officer (LADO):  Rachael Powis, Kim Murray and Ildiko Kiss
Tel: 01522 554674
Email: LSCP_LADO@lincolnshire.gov.uk

CMARS –  Children’s resilience and safeguarding board (northlincscmars.co.uk)

North Lincolnshire Education Safeguarding Officer: Helen Parker
Tel: 07717 586534
Email: Helen.Parker@northlincs.gov.uk

North Lincolnshire Designated Officer (LADO): Helen Myers
Tel: 01724 298293
Email: helen.myers@northlincs.gov.uk

NELSCB – SaferNEL – North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership

North East Lincolnshire Education Safeguarding Officer: Spencer Hunt
Tel: 01472 324968
Email: nelcsp@nelincs.gov.uk

North East Lincolnshire Designated Officer (LADO): David Palmer
Tel: 01472 326118
Email: david.palmer@nelincs.gov.uk


The LADO procedures should be followed by all organisations providing services for children and staff, carers or volunteers who work with or care for children. Common sense and judgement should be applied when dealing with allegations. Every Local Authority has a statutory responsibility to have a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who is responsible for coordinating the response to concerns that an adult who works with children may have caused them harm.

The LADO’s key role is to:

  • Provide advice/guidance to employers or voluntary organisations.
  • Liaise with the police and other agencies including OFSTED, Care Quality Commission (CQC) and other professional bodies.
  • Monitor the progress of referrals to ensure they are dealt with as quickly and consistently as possible with a thorough and fair process
  • Seek to resolve any inter-agency issues.
  • Collect strategic data and maintain a confidential database in relation to allegations which is held securely.
  • Disseminate learning from LADO enquiries throughout the children’s workforce.

Decisions regarding any internal action about an employee are usually made in conjunction with the employers HR department, and are not determined by the LADO.

In an emergency call 999 and to report a crime call 101.