Leadership and Line Managers

We understand that providing high quality CPD for all line managers and people in leadership roles enables schools to ensure that all learners reach their full potential.

We offer quality, targeted training for leadership roles within schools to ensure they can support all members of their teams.

Training is available to ensure all management staff are able to learn new skills, share best practices and apply fresh approaches to their roles.

To book your place, please click the links below.



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Performance Management of Support Staff

This training is appropriate for all line managers of support staff wanting to gain greater understanding of the performance management process. It will look at the Trust’s established framework for clear and consistent assessments of performance and how these can be practically applied.

12 January 2023

3.45pm – 4.30pm



Book here.

Headteacher & Deputy Headteacher: Governance

This event will provide participants with an understanding of the role of Governance in our schools, focusing on Catholic Life and Standards.

You will consider the key tasks which Governors should undertake; reporting to Governors; how to involve Governors in monitoring within the school.

This training session will also provide support for you to encourage Governors in providing effective challenge to Senior Leaders.

17 January 2023

9.30am – 11.30am



Book here.

Preparing for a Deep Dive: Curriculum Leaders

The session will be on helping Curriculum leaders prepare for deep dives and it will address:
• The purposes of QA, what good monitoring, improvement and self-evaluation looks like and why this is useful in preparation for a deep dive
• Talking through how a deep dive works (from a Middle leader perspective) and the activities involved, e.g. curriculum conversation with Ofsted Inspector, work scrutiny etc.
• How to prepare for the crucial curriculum conversation with the Ofsted Inspector in your subject area
• Any mythbusting around Ofsted deep dives – so that staff know exactly what to expect and what not to expect
• Post- deep dive, having an action plan for the future.

19 January 2023

3.30am – 4.30am


Free for staff in OLoL

Book here.

Aspiring to Middle Leadership

The focus of this course is to develop knowledge and understanding of leadership, and how to conduct a school based leadership role.

You will have the opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners, reflect upon and develop your own leadership skills, and learn practical ideas to embed in your current role.

Part 1:
26 January 2023

Part 2:
27 April 2023

Part 3:
5 October 2023

9am – 3pm



Book here.

Carrying out investigations: disciplinary and grievance

This training is appropriate for all line managers and is aimed at providing them with the knowledge and tools to carry out effective investigations, whether it be for a grievance or disciplinary.

It will look at the timelines and key information to gather during an investigation and combine this with practical case studies.

2 February 2023

3.30pm – 4.30pm



Book here.

Headteacher & Deputy Headteacher: Complaints

This session will provide opportunities to strengthen understanding of the differences between policies and how they should be applied in a range of scenarios.

You will consider when to use each policy, who should be involved and necessary record keeping.

Appropriate for new Heads and Deputies and any other Senior Leaders who would like to refresh their understanding of dealing with complaints

23 February 2023

9.30am – 11.30am



Book here.

SEN Network

This network is for SEN leads and anyone else working in school with a focus on the responsibility for SEN.

These three SEN network meetings will ensure that SEN leaders remain up to date with current developments and information.

This is an opportunity to collaborate with your peers, share information and develop as a SEN leader. This strengthening of school-to-school support will create an effective network of information, advice and guidance.

23 February 2023

21 June 2023

4.30pm – 5pm

Online (Microsoft Teams)


If you don’t already attend this network please contact Liz Hopkins to register your interest.

DSL Network

This network is for DSL leads and anyone else working in school with a focus on the responsibility for safeguarding.

These three DSL network meetings will ensure that DSL leaders remain up to date
with current developments and information.

The meetings will be an opportunity to meet with other DSL’s within the Trust, share good practice and seek guidance.

28 February 2023

20 June 2023

4.30pm – 5pm

Online (Microsoft Teams)


If you don’t already attend this network please contact Liz Hopkins to register your interest.

Headteacher & Deputy Headteacher: Difficult Conversations

This event will provide an insight into a range of difficult conversations which Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers may have to have with Parents and Staff in the school.

There will be guidance provided on the use of pertinent HR policies and procedures which will underpin the nature of these conversations.

During the training there will be an opportunity to explore a range of scenarios and discuss appropriate responses.

This training is also suitable for other Senior Leaders.

16 March 2023

9.30am – 11.30am



Book here.

Managing and supporting disability related absence

This training is appropriate for all line managers and is aimed at providing them with the confidence and legal requirements to manage and support employees when absence from work is disability related.

It will explore how to support an employee to continue in work or to return to work following a period of absence.

27 April 2023

3.30pm – 4.30pm



Book here.