Secondary Teachers

The secondary CPD package aims to support the development of teachers and TAs at all stages of their career.

We offer a selection of useful and empowering sessions that are specifically suited to your own teaching journey from embarking upon working in schools through to middle management, leadership and beyond.

We support and enhance the excellent CPD opportunities already in place as well as foster school-to-school support across all our schools. We commit to nurturing in-house expertise by providing opportunities for teachers and TAs to develop skills and knowledge through attending and leading CPD.

To book your place, please click the links below.



Book here

SEND online CPD – Organised and delivered by Paul Longden

Paul is delivering 3 webinars that you may be interested in attending. Discounts are available if multiple webinars are booked and all booking should be made directly with Paul.

11 Jan – 9.30am-3pm Ensuring pupils with SEND achieve the best possible outcomes.

3 Feb – 9.30am-3pm Right support, right place, right time: Unpicking the SEND review and implications for inspection

16 Feb – 9.30am-3pm Supporting pupils with SEND in the classroom through adaptive teaching.

These dates have been set by Paul and will be attended by other Trusts and schools from across the county. 

To book a place on an individual webinar or for more information about the packages available please email:

Preparing for a Deep Dive: Curriculum Leaders

The session will be on helping Curriculum leaders prepare for deep dives and it will address:
• The purposes of QA, what good monitoring, improvement and self-evaluation looks like and why this is useful in preparation for a deep dive
• Talking through how a deep dive works (from a Middle leader perspective) and the activities involved, e.g. curriculum conversation with Ofsted Inspector, work scrutiny etc.
• How to prepare for the crucial curriculum conversation with the Ofsted Inspector in your subject area
• Any mythbusting around Ofsted deep dives – so that staff know exactly what to expect and what not to expect
• Post- deep dive, having an action plan for the future.

19 January

3.30pm – 4.30pm

Online (Microsoft Teams)

Free for staff in OLoL

SEN Network

This network is for SEN leads and anyone else working in school with a focus on the responsibility for SEN.

These three SEN network meetings will ensure that SEN leaders remain up to date with current developments and information.

This is an opportunity to collaborate with your peers, share information and develop as a SEN leader. This strengthening of school-to-school support will create an effective network of information, advice and guidance.

23 February 2023

21 June 2023

4.30pm – 5pm

Online (Microsoft Teams)


If you don’t already attend this network please contact Liz Hopkins to register your interest.

DSL Network

This network is for DSL leads and anyone else working in school with a focus on the responsibility for safeguarding.

These three DSL network meetings will ensure that DSL leaders remain up to date with current developments and information.

The meetings will be an opportunity to meet with other DSL’s within the Trust, share good practice and seek guidance.

28 February 2023

20 June 2023

4.30pm – 5pm

Online (Microsoft Teams)


If you don’t already attend this network please contact Liz Hopkins to register your interest.

Secondary Subject Networks

This is a chance for collaboration across the schools in the Trust. You will be able to share your experience and draw on the experience of others in your network. This opportunity will strengthen school-to-school support to create and effective network of information, guidance and advice.

These dynamic groups of subject leaders will meet each term.

Dates throughout the year



If you are subject leader and don’t already attend a network, please contact Liz Hopkins to register your interest.

Improving School Attendance Certificate

This course provides a comprehensive guide to improving school attendance, including the factors that affect attendance and how to improve it through a variety of strategies.

From how to work with parents and families, to motivating and encouraging students and intervening, when necessary, it covers everything you need to know regarding every aspect of improving school attendance.

On demand


£12 (inc. VAT)

Book here.

School Attendance and Children Missing Education

This course is designed for those tasked with monitoring and managing school attendance and fulfilling the school’s duty of care in relation to children missing education.

On demand


£40 (inc. VAT)

Book here.